Founded: 2021
Publication Type: Scientific Publications

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Imām al-Aʿzam Abū Hanīfa and His Thought System

Main Article Content

Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Hatiboglu
Yalova Univeristy


The book Imām al-Aʿzam Abū Hanīfa and His Thought System delves deeply into the life, methodology, and intellectual world of Imām al-Aʿzam Abū Hanīfa, one of the cornerstones of Islamic thought. The book comprises papers and discussions presented at the “Symposium on Imām al-Azam Abū Hanīfa and His System of Thought”, organized by the Qur’an Research Foundation (KURAV) in Bursa from October 16–19, 2003. In this symposium, which was contributed to by seventy-seven academics, the personality and ideas of Abū Hanīfa were addressed from a broad perspective. The work extensively examines topics such as “Abū Hanīfa’s Personality,” “His Methodology (I-III),” “The Hanafī School (I-II),” “Abū Hanīfa in Political and Cultural Tradition,” “Abū Hanīfa and the Science of Kalām,” “Abū Hanīfa’s Thought (I-II),” “Abū Hanīfa and Hadīth (I-II),” and “Abū Hanīfa’s Place in Legal Thought.” In particular, the book offers captivating details about his understanding of hadīth and sunnah, his approach to interpreting narrations, and his influence on Islamic sciences. This book presents Abū Hanīfa’s thoughts not only in a historical context but also as a source of inspiration for contemporary Islamic thought, offering readers a multi-dimensional perspective. It appeals to both academics and a broader audience interested in Abū Hanīfa’s intellectual world. As such, it serves as a significant reference work for those engaged in the field of Islamic studies. Abū Hanīfa is one of the founding figures who shaped the Islamic community both doctrinally and practically from the very early periods. He lived at a time when narrations had not yet been compiled in specific collections, and his thought and worldview were grounded in the texts (nass) without any derogatory treatment. He bequeathed to us a vision that established a balance between faith (iman), worship (ibadah), excellence (ihsan), and the harmony between the outward (zahir) and inward (batin) dimensions of Islamic life. The comprehensive perspective established by Imām al-Aʿzam has continued to serve as a consistent and enduring model of coherent thought, always offering a way out for humanity during times of crisis. The scholarly personality of the great Abū Hanīfa has been the subject of numerous academic studies; however, for the first time, an event of such a wide scope, reflecting Turkey’s intellectual heritage, has been organized to address his multifaceted contributions. Not only Sunni jurisprudential thought but also the broader conception of Islamic jurisprudence, and not only from the perspective of religious sciences but also encompassing social sciences, were examined through a holistic approach. Over forty papers and discussions provided an in-depth analysis of his thought. Through this scholarly event, the internal consistency of Abū Hanīfa’s thought, as well as the Hanafī intellectual tradition developed after him, was highlighted. Attention was drawn to its capacity to foster harmony between different branches of knowledge, its comprehensive nature, and its accurate perception of “social reality” expressed through a distinct worldview in line with the requirements of scientific truth. This demonstrates that the goals of the scientific event we organized were achieved. Indeed, even though more than twenty years have passed since this event, the work containing the papers presented has not lost its value or relevance, and there is now a renewed need to present it once again to interested parties.

Subject Categories

BIC: HRHP3: Islam - branches and sects

BISAC: REL037020: Islam - Theology

THEMA: HRCP3: Islam - branches and sects

LC: BP80.H28: Hanafi school of law, Abū Hanīfa

DEWEY: 297.14: Islamic sects and imams


Fiqh, Islamic Theology, Abū Hanīfa, Imām al-Aʿzam, Hanafī Law School, Islamic Intellectual Tradition, Abū Hanīfa’s Methodology, Imām al-Aʿzam’s Methodology


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