Majd al-Dīn Ibn al-Athīr and the Art of Writing Kitāb al-Iṣāba fī lawāzim al-kitāba
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This study presents the translation and critical edition (tahqiq) of al-Isāba fī Levāzimi al-Kitāba by Majd al-Dīn Ibn al-Asīr (d. 606/1210), a prominent political and scholarly figure of the sixth century of the hijri. The study begins with a discussion of Ibn al-Asīr’s life and works, followed by an examination of the book’s authorship and an assessment of its significance. A statesman during the Zangid period, Ibn al-Asīr served in various capacities within the state bureaucracy. He was also a scholar specializing in hadith, tafsir, fiqh, usul al fiqh, literature, nahw, lexicon, and poetry, and authored works in these fields. al-Isāba fī Levāzimi al-Kitāba is introduced as a significant compendium that delves into the intricacies of the art of writing. Having served in the bureaucracy for an extended period and worked as a secret clerk, Ibn al-Asīr wrote this work as a manual for future generations. In this comprehensive text, he elaborates on the usefulness and significance of writing, the various types of writing, writing instruments, ink-making formulas, and the profession of the scribe, while also sharing his personal experiences. Two manuscript copies of the work are extant: one is housed in MS Berlin Sprenger 1918, and the other is located in the Syrian Zahiriya Library under accession number 4710. This study makes a modest contribution to our scholarly heritage by bringing to light this distinguished work of the author, based on the copies in question.
Subject Categories
BIC: CBV: Writing and editing guides
BISAC: LAN005000: Language Arts & Dısciplines / Writing Skills
THEMA: CBV: Writing and editing guides
LC: PN145: Authorship and writing techniques
DEWEY: 808.02: Writing and manuscripts
Writing Techniques, Majd al-Dīn Ibn al-Athīr, Ibn al-Athīr, Art of Writing, Writing, Clerkship, Ink, Critical Edition, al-Isāba, al-Isāba fī lawāzim al-kitābaReferences
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