Editorial Principles
Okut Okut Press embraces open-access, non-commercial scientific publishing. We share studies with our readers free of charge in e-book formats when they are considered appropriate for publication upon review processes and the editorial board's decision.
Okut Okut Press aims to contribute to the dissemination of ever-expanding scientific knowledge by publishing high-quality open-access books in compliance with international publishing standards and ethical principles.
Okut Okut Press uses the ISNAD Citation System as its academic writing and referencing style.
Each publication includes a 500-word Turkish and English abstract, and a unique DOI number is assigned to it.
Publication Ethics
Oku Okut Press is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and pays regard to Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) on https://doi.org/10.24318/cope.2019.1.12
Research ethics provides guidelines for the responsible conduct of research. In addition, it educates and monitors scientists' research to ensure a high ethical standard. The following is a general summary of some ethical principles:
Honesty: Honestly report data, results, methods and procedures, and publication status. Do not fabricate, falsify, or misrepresent data.
Objectivity: Strive to avoid bias in experimental design, data analysis, data interpretation, peer review, personnel decisions, grant writing, expert testimony, and other aspects of research.
Integrity: Keep your promises and agreements; act with sincerity; strive for consistency of thought and action.
Carefulness: Avoid careless errors and negligence; carefully and critically examine your own work and the work of your peers. Keep good records of research activities.
Openness: Share data, results, ideas, tools, and resources. Be open to criticism and new ideas.
Responsible Publication: Publish in order to advance research and scholarship, not to advance just your own career. Avoid wasteful and duplicative publication (https://libguides.library.cityu.edu.hk/researchmethods/ethics).
Writing Ethics
The authors who submit their manuscripts to Turkish Studies are expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities:
- Author(s) must submit original studies to the journal. If they utilize or use other studies, they must make the in-text and end-text references accurately and completely.
- People who have not contributed to the study at the intellectual level should not be indicated as authors.
- If the manuscripts submitted to be published are subject of conflicting interests or relations, these must be explained.
- During the review process of their manuscripts, author(s) may be asked to supply raw data. In such a case, author(s) should be ready to submit such data and information to the editorial board.
- Author(s) should document that they have the participants' consent and the necessary permissions related with the sharing and research/analysis of the data that are used.
- Author(s) bears the responsibility to inform the editor of the journal or publisher if they happen to notice a mistake in their study, which is in the early release or publication process, and to cooperate with the editors during the correction or withdrawal process.
- Authors cannot submit their studies to multiple journals simultaneously. Each submission can be made only after the previous one is completed. A study published in another journal cannot be submitted to Turkish Studies.
- Author responsibilities given in a study (e.g., adding an author, reordering of author names) cannot be changed if the review process has begun. EASE Ethics Checklist for Authors
Violation of publication ethics
“Violation of publication ethics is a global problem which includes duplicate submission, multiple submissions, plagiarism, gift authorship, fake affiliation, ghost authorship, pressured authorship, salami publication, and fraud (fabrication and falsification) but excludes the honest errors committed by the authors.”[1]
Data fabrication and falsification: “Data fabrication means the researcher did not actually do the study but made up data. Data falsification means the researcher did the experiment but then changed some of the data. Both of these practices make people distrust scientists. If the public mistrusts science, it will be less willing to provide funding support”.[2]
Plagiarism: “In an instructional setting, plagiarism occurs when a writer deliberately uses someone else’s language, ideas, or other original (not common-knowledge) material without acknowledging its source.”[3]
“Students plagiarise in four main ways;
- Stealing material from another source and passing it off as their own, e.g.
(a) buying a paper from a research service, essay bank, or term paper mill (either
pre-written or specially written),
(b) copying a whole paper from a source text without proper acknowledgment,
(c) submitting another student’s work, with or without that student’s knowledge (e.g., by copying a computer disk).
- Submitting a paper written by someone else (e.g., a peer or relative) and passing it off as their own.
- Copying sections of material from one or more source texts, supplying proper documentation (including the full reference) but leaving out quotation marks, thus giving the impression that the material has been paraphrased rather than directly quoted.
- Paraphrasing material from one or more source texts without supplying appropriate documentation”.[4]
Multiple submissions of a paper: “It is unethical to submit the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time. This is also a waste of time for editors and peer reviewers and can give rise to prejudices at the reputation of journals if published in more than one”.[5]
Redundant publications (or 'salami' publications): “This means publishing many very similar manuscripts based on the same experiment. It can make readers less likely to pay attention to your manuscripts”.[6]
Improper author contribution or attribution: “All listed authors must have made a significant scientific contribution to the research in the manuscript and approved all its claims. Don't forget to list everyone who made a significant scientific contribution”.[7]
Conflicts of Interest
Oku Okut Press requires that all parties involved in a publication—including authors, peer reviewers, volume editors, guest editors, and editorial board members—declare any potential conflicts of interest to ensure that all parties are appropriately informed of any relevant considerations while they work on a submission. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include prior publication, personal relationships with guest editors, volume editors or editorial board members or Atla staff, personal convictions that may have a bearing on the work, etc.
Plagiarism and Misconduct
Oku Okut Publishing does not tolerate plagiarism, copyright infringement, inaccurate attributions, failure to disclose conflicts of interest, or libel. Concerns regarding observed plagiarism or misconduct in any Oku Okut Publishing publication should be directed to yayin@okuokut.org
Copyright Notice
Authors publishing with Oku Okut Press retain the copyright to their work, licensing it under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license that gives permission to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format other than commercial purposes as well as remix, transform and build upon the material by providing appropriate credit to the original work.
Authors grant Oku Okut Press an exclusive right of first publication, display, and distribution while retaining all other rights. All Oku Okut Publishing publications are released under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC license.
Open Access Policy
Okut Okut Press embraces open-access, non-commercial scientific publishing. We share studies with our readers free of charge in e-book formats when they are considered appropriate for publication upon review processes and the editorial board's decision.
Okut Okut Press aims to contribute to the dissemination of ever-expanding scientific knowledge by publishing high-quality open-access books in compliance with international publishing standards and ethical principles.
Authors publishing with Oku Okut Press retain the copyright to their work, licensing it under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license that gives permission to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format other than commercial purposes as well as remix, transform and build upon the material by providing appropriate credit to the original work.
Titles published with Books Oku Okut Press are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license (CC-BY-NC 4.0 International) unless otherwise specified. Readers are welcome to download, copy, share, and modify works provided that full attribution to the original work is given and reuse is not for commercial purposes.
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Works will be made available in EPUB and PDF format.
OAI: https://yayin.okuokut.org/index.php/okuokut/oai
What is open access publishing?
Oku Okut Press is committed to gold open access, as it is practiced in the social sciences and the humanities. Gold OA is free, immediate, and permanent online access to a publication’s version of record. All our books can be read online or downloaded as a free PDF. Our commitment to access also influences our pricing of print and digital editions. To protect our publications and authors' rights, we release all material under a Creative Commons license.
Does publishing in open access make my work vulnerable to misuse?
Oku Okut Press allows authors and editors to retain the copyright of their work. We release all our publications under a Creative Commons license. Creative Commons has been involved in conversations surrounding the open movement since the very beginning. Their licenses are used to protect many open-access materials. The majority of Oku Okut Publishing publications are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).
How much does it cost to publish an open-access monograph?
Open access material is freely accessible but not free to produce. Oku Okut Publishing's publication process does not differ from other press. Therefore, the costs associated with the publication are similar. Book typesetting and special cover design fee are charged from the author (90 USD). For a useful report on the average costs of producing a scholarly monograph, see the ITHAKA S+R Report on “The Costs of Publishing Monographs: Toward a Transparent Methodology.”
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For sections marked with ‘X’, please seek permission for reuse.
If you have any doubts or further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at yayin@okuokut.org
Peer-review Process
Oku Okut Publishing is committed to peer reviewing works sent to us for consideration.
All book proposals, including sample material, will be read by a dedicated point editor and then assessed by the Editorial Board. They will collectively consider the suitability of texts for publication by Oku Okut Publishing.
If the Editorial Board decides that the proposed book is within the scope of the press, the point editor will initiate the peer review process. This will involve the proposal being sent to two external and independent reviewers for comment.
Final editorial decisions are taken on the basis of the recommendations of the two reviewers and the assessment of the Editorial Board.
If the book proposal is accepted we may on some occasions also invite one or both reviewers to act as advisers to the book on a more ongoing basis. This is connected to our commitment to offering authors a higher level of support than is often the case and is something we are particularly keen to institute for works by early career scholars.
- Preliminary Examination and Plagiarism Screening: The study is reviewed by the editor for compliance with the journal publication principles, academic writing rules, and the ISNAD Citation Style and it is scanned about plagiarism by using iThenticateprogram. Placenta similarity rate to be less than %15 condition required. This review is completed in a maximum of 15 days.
- Series Editor Review: The study which was carried out Preliminary Examination and Plagiarism Screening is examined by the related section editor in terms of problematic and academic language style. This review is completed in a maximum of 15 days.
- Referee Process (Academic Evaluation): The study, which is subjected to review by the section editor, is submitted to the evaluation of at least two referees who has doctoral thesis, book or article. The arbitration process is carried out confidentially within the framework of double-sided blind arbitration. The referee is required to present his / her opinion about the reviewed study either on the text or to justify it with an explanation of at least 150 words on the online referee form. The author is given the right to defend his / her objections and opinions if he/she does not agree with the opinion of the referee. The field editor provides mutual communication between the author and the referee while maintaining confidentiality. If both of the referee reports are positive, the study is submitted to the Editorial Board with a proposal for the evaluation of its publication. In case one of the two judges declares a negative opinion, the study is sent to a third referee. The studies can be published at least two positive decisions. Translated articles are sent to language and related field experts to assess the appropriateness of the original, the proper use of space concepts, and language. The translation which the experts’ stated negative opinions are not published. The publication of book and symposium reviews and dissertation abstracts is decided as a result of the evaluation of the related field editors.
- Correction Phase: In the case of referees requesting proofreading in the text that they are examining, relevant reports are sent to the author and they are asked to correct them. The correction is requested to be completed within 10 days. The author presents his corrections by specifying a red color to the section editor.
- Series Editor Control: The field editor checks whether the author makes the corrections requested in the text. The inspection process is completed within a maximum of 5 days.
- Referee Control: The referee who requests correction checks whether the author has made any corrections requested from him in the text. The inspection process is completed within a maximum of 7 days.
- Preparing Extended Summary: After the referee evaluation, it is requested to expand the abstract part of the study to 500-600 words.
- Turkish Language Control: The works which are passed through the referees are examined by Language Editor and if necessary the author is asked for correction. The inspection process is completed within a maximum of 15 days.
- English Language Control: The works which are passed through the Turkish Language Control are examined by English Language Editor and if necessary the author is asked for correction. The inspection process is completed within a maximum of 15 days.
- Editorial Board Review: The works which are passed through technical, academic, and linguistic examination, final broadcast status is decided with review of Editorial Board. In case of objection from the members, the Board shall decide by majority vote.
- Typesetting and Layout: The works which decided to be published by the Editorial Board, are made ready for publication by making the typesetting and layout of the works.
- Data Transmission to National and International Indexes: The metadata is transmitted to related Indexes within 15 days.
- Collins, E., Milloy, C., & Stone, G. (2013). Guide to Creative Commons for humanities and social science monograph authors. AHRC/Jisc Collections: London. Retrieved from http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/id/eprint/17828/
- Collins, E., Milloy, C. & Stone, G. (2015). Guide to open access monograph publishing for arts, humanities and social science researchers. AHRC/Jisc Collections: London. Retrieved from http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/id/eprint/25391/
- DOAB. (n.d.). Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB). Retrieved from www.doabooks.org
- Fitzpatrick, K. (2011). Planned Obsolescence: Publishing, Technology, and the Future of the Academy. NYU Press. Retrieved from www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt9qg9mh
- Rubow, L., Shen, R., Schofield, B. and Samuelson Law, Technology, and Public Policy Clinic. (2015).
- Think.Check.Submit. (n.d.). Think, Check, Submit for books. Retrieved from thinkchecksubit.org: https://thinkchecksubmit.org/books Understanding Open Access: When, Why, & How to Make Your Work Openly Accessible. Retrieved from authorsalliance.org: https://authorsalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/Documents/Guides/Authors%20Alliance%20-%20Understanding%20Open%20Access.pdf
- Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Guidelines on good publication practice https://publicationethics.org/files/u7141/1999pdf13.pdf
- Reputation, reputation, reputation – quality control and reward systems https://doi.org/10.11647/OBP.0173.0091